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- Formatting Syntax @wiki
- followed by\\ a whitespace \\this happens without it. This is some text with some linebreaks\\ Note... followed by\\ a whitespace \\this happens without it. You should use forced newlines only if really n... >config]] file. Hint: If DokuWiki is a link, then it's enabled. * When a section's heading is change... in the "local zone"). * For Mozilla and Firefox it can be enabled through different workaround menti
- DokuWiki @wiki
- >wiki]] software that doesn't require a database. It is loved by users for its clean and readable [[wi... ease of maintenance, backup and integration makes it an administrator's favorite. Built in [[doku>acl|... rs|Happy Users]] * [[doku>press|Who wrote about it]] * [[doku>blogroll|What Bloggers think]] * [... [|Compare it with other wiki software]] **Installing DokuWiki
- Vorstandsmitglieder & Ressorts @wiki:organisation_und_infos
- | | | IT (Homepage, Wiki, Cloudspeicher) ... r: Wer pflegt die Termine da? <pane id="Ressort IT"> ==== Ressort IT ==== * Verwaltung des Shared Hostings bei * Pflege der technische
- Welcome to your new DokuWiki @wiki
- Your wiki needs to have a start page. As long as it doesn't exist, this link will be red: [[:start]].... You might also want to use a sidebar. To create it, just edit the [[:sidebar]] page. Everything in t
- Über das Admin Team @wiki:organisation_und_infos
- tpensen) * Zugang zu Facebook, ein bisschen IT Flair (für Wordpress, Facebook & Google Kalender)
- Ansprechpersonen @wiki:organisation_und_infos
- ger | - | | | IT / Digitales | Lucas Habegger | -